CadStd Tutorial Chapter 5

Creating Isometric Projections

Note: This function is only available in CadStd Pro.
1. Open the drawing isostart.cad using CadStd Pro, or create an orthographic drawing from the isometric drawing shown in step 8 as part of a more challenging exercise.

2. Bring up the Projection Dialog Box by doing an Edit/Project, or use the prjicon icon located in the Edit Options section. When the dialog box appears select Iso Front/Rear and press OK.


3. Select the entities that are shown and press the right mouse button. Press the left mouse button (on the grid point at the P1 end of the red arrow), followed by the point at P2 (The results are shown in blue). proj1

4.Bring up the Projection Dialog Box again by using the right mouse button to repeat the last command, or by doing an Edit/Project, or use the prjicon icon located in the Edit Options section.

projlr When the dialog box appears select Iso Left/Right and press OK. Select the entities that are shown and press the right mouse button. Press the left mouse button (on the grid point at the P1 end of the red arrow), followed by the point at P2. proj2

5. Bring up the Projection Dialog Box again by using the right mouse button to repeat the last command, or by doing an Edit/Project, or use the prjicon icon located in the Edit Options section.

projfr snapend When the dialog box appears select Iso Front/Rear and press OK. Select the entities that are shown and press the right mouse button. Press the left mouse button (on the grid point at the P1 end of the red arrow).

Make sure to click on the snap end icon before picking the line near P2 since this end is not on grid.


6. Bring up the Projection Dialog Box again by using the right mouse button to repeat the last command, or by doing an Edit/Project or use the prjicon icon located in the Edit Options section.

projtb snapend When the dialog box appears select Iso Left/Right and press OK. Select the entities that are shown and press the right mouse button. Press the left mouse button (on the grid point at the P1 end of the red arrow).

Make sure to click on the snap end icon before picking the line near P2 since this end is not on grid.

7. Bring up the Grid Settings Dialog Box by doing an Settings/Grid, or use the gridicon icon located in the Settings section.

Set the pulldown to "On (Isometric Left/Right)", Press the "Offset" button and click on the snap end icon before picking an end point on the isometric drawing. This will align the grid to enable you to draw a new line directly on the isometric view.


8.Finish the drawing by adding the line shown here in blue.
Since this isometric view is at the same scale as the orthographic view, it is technically called an isometric drawing. To create a true isometric projection scale all the entities in the isometric view by 0.816 using the Edit / Scale command. You may view a finished sample isometric drawing by opening the drawing isodraw.cad. To view a finished sample isometric projection see isoproj.cad.

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End of tutorial "Creating Isometric Projections".

Copyright 2000-2016, John Apperson